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« Sing, MAMA, Sing! A Healthy Body-Mind Tip | Main | Tax Time: I lose, you win! »

Healthy Voice Tip #1: Nutrition Diva

So, what is this diva going to Do about her Big Tax Surprise alias humongous bill! of last month?  (Tax Time: I lose, You Win

I’m trimming some fat from my spending plan, doing with a little less of the material and focusing on what really matters to me, like music, singing, teaching and being of service to others, especially to my Tribe: SINGERS!

What am I Not going to do?  Stop taking care of my whole body by eating healthy food.  Singers are athletes, and don't let anyone who thinks it is easy to sing tell you differently. My instrument is me, so care of my body, mind and soul are all part of my Total Package. 

In my last entry I mentioned my friend Monica Reinagel, Nutrition Diva. Monica is a wonderful classical singer and a fabulous, credentialed nutritionist. I can tell you from experience (my messy twenties!) that you are safe doing whatever Monica suggests! After all, she’s a singer.

In fact, you might be surprised and delighted by her article on hydration - apparently, while as my beloved teacher Dr. Thomas Houser used to say, we voice professionals should “sing wet, pee pale,” we can get our daily water intake from a variety of beverages.  And most of us don’t need to guzzle water like we live in the desert.

Reader Comments (1)

Thanks for the endorsement, my sister in diva-hood! And although I now know the shocking truth about hydration (coffee!!) I never did break the sing-wet-pee-pale habit! <3

May 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMonica Reinagel

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